
Architect regular claims strong support for its new Code of Conduct

The Architects Registration Board (ARB) has published the results of its consultation on proposals for a new Code of Conduct and Practice for architects, revealing strong support for the updated Standards and guidance.  

The proposed Code is structured around six outcomes-focussed Standards, each supported by example behaviours and underpinned by detailed guidance. A total of 441 responses were received, with responses coming from architects, professionals in the built environment who work alongside architects, and other key stakeholders. 

Key findings
  • Each of the proposed Standards received strong support from consultation respondents. 
  • Of the proposed Standards, ‘Honesty and Integrity’ received the highest level of combined agreement (89%). 
  • ‘Public interest’ received the lowest agreement at 70%, yet still secured a strong majority. 
  • ‘Building safety’ and ‘Dealing with complaints and disputes’ were the most widely supported guidance topics, with 80% and 79% agreement, respectively. 

Speaking on the results, ARB Chair Alan Kershaw said: "The strong support for the updated Code of Conduct and Practice reflects a shared commitment amongst architects to maintaining high standards of professionalism, for the benefit of the public. Of note was the particular support from respondents for updated guidance on building safety, highlighting the importance of lessons learned from Grenfell and the profession’s commitment to working safely.

:There was also clear support for the emphasis on honesty and integrity as fundamental principles, which evidences the profession’s dedication to transparency and the maintenance of public trust. We are grateful to everyone who contributed to this consultation – your feedback is invaluable in shaping a Code that is both robust and relevant for the future of the profession."

Next Steps for the Code and Guidance 

On the basis of the strong support evidenced by the consultation, the Board will introduce each of the proposed Standards and guidance topics. 

Following the publication of the report, ARB will now review all suggested drafting amendments before publishing the final version of the Code this summer. The feedback and suggestions received through the consultation will be instrumental in refining the Code, particularly with regard to clarity of language and definitions. 

In addition, today, ARB is also launching the first in a series of consultations on the accompanying guidance documents. The first consultation will focus on the following topics: 

  • Dealing with Complaints 
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance 
  • Terms of Engagement 

Draft versions of the guidance for these topics have been published for the consultation, and the first phase consultation will run for six weeks. 

Further guidance documents will be published for consultation in subsequent phases, with the next consultation due in summer 2025. 

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